Dušan Miletić

Python developer

Motivated, responsible and organized developer with keen eye for details, ready to accept any professional challenge.

Dušan Miletić's photo
Work icon

Work experience


Python developer (founder)

Total time worked

Jun 2022 - present

Work location

Belgrade, R. Serbia

  • Complete creation of websites and web applications. From sketch and wireframe (Figma, Affinity Designer), coding front-end (HTML5, CSS3) to coding the back-end using Django and Flask frameworks
  • Development and coding of websites using HTML5 and CSS3 (front-end)
  • Development and coding of needed functionalities using Django and Flask frameworks (back-end)
  • Development and coding of desktop applications using Tkinter library
  • Building RESTful APIs and connecting them to databases (SQLite, MySQL, MongoDB)


Traffic engineer and damage analyst of vehicle damages (founder)

Total time worked

Feb 2019 - Jun 2021

Work location

Belgrade, R. Serbia

  • Development of relational database with user interface (UI) for efficient and successful management of client requests with monitoring of requests via key indicators (built in MS Access with special functions, queries and reports coded in VBA)
  • Reception and processing of client requests with data entry into information system (MS Access DB) with photographing of vehicle damage and making of expert's reports of vehicle damage
  • Communication with insurance companies for successful solving of damage claims
  • Working with legal service as an adviser in vehicle damage claims cases

Generali insurance Serbia

Bankassurance - life insurrance sector

Total time worked

Apr 2018 - Apr 2019

Work location

Bor, R. Serbia

  • Familiarising clients with different types of life insurrance, communication with clients and offering assistance in problem solving
  • Contracting and selling of life insurance policies
  • Preparation of documents for risk assessment sector
Skills icon


Programming languages



Django, Flask, REST API


HTML5, CSS3, Figma, Affinity Designer




Git, Jenkins

Project management





Education icon


IT Academy

Python Development Program

Total time worked

Jan 2022 - Jan 2023

Work location

Belgrade, R. Serbia

  • Certified Python Developer

Faculty of Traffic and Transport Engineering

Road safety

Total time worked

Oct 2015 - Sep 2016

Work location

Belgrade, R. Serbia

  • Traffic engineer, M.Sc. (GPA 9.86)
  • Master thesis: Analysis of possibilities for improvement of road safety of elderly in the city of Belgrade

Faculty of Traffic and Transport Engineering

Road traffic and transport - road safety

Total time worked

Sep 2011 - Sep 2015

Work location

Belgrade, R. Serbia

  • Traffic engineer, B.Sc. (GPA 9.17)
  • Final thesis: Accident prediction models
Certificate icon


PCEP - Certified Entry‑Level Python programmer

Python Institute

Total time worked

Mar 2023

Work location

Verification link

Certified Python Developer

IT Academy

Total time worked

Jan 2023

Work location

Belgrade, R. Serbia

Work location

Verification link

Projects icon


Invoice App

Date created

Aug 2022

Desktop application for creation of invoices in PDF format. Created invoices are saved in SQLite database.







Image to PDF

Date created

Nov 2020

Automated script that uploads images from PC to a website, sets PDF options (page size, orientation, margins) and downloads PDF. Then, PDF file or files are compressed and/or merged together into one file using API service (www.ilovepdf.com).








PDF parser

Date created

Oct 2020

PDF parser for extracting data from specific PDF files (R. Serbia vehicle registration certificate). Application has a GUI which supports drag & drop and the data is stored in an excel file after extraction.






Work icon

Extracurricular activities

Center for Security, Management and International Politics

Web administrator & IT support

Total time worked

Sep 2017 - Nov 2020

Work location

Belgrade, R. Serbia

  • Development and maintenance of official CeSMIP website along with development and maintenance of subdomain for EKOB 2018 conference (Economy in transformed security environment) that took place on the 01.03.2018. in Belgrade, hotel "Palace"
  • Member of program board of EKOB 2018 conference, in charge of preparation of technical guidelines for writting papers, sending of notifications and announcements to conference participants via e-mail (maintaining mailing list) and offering help and technical support to scientific board and other conference participants
  • Design and preparation of flayers, posters and other materials for EKOB 2018 conference (logos, banners, certificates, etc.)

BMP Konsalting

Vehicle damage analyst (volunteer)

Total time worked

Nov 2017 - Feb 2018

Work location

Belgrade, R. Serbia

  • Working on tasks involving vehicle damage assessment and vehicle value appraisal
  • Working with clients, gathering legal documentation needed for submitting insurance claims and photographing damaged vehicles
  • Making of expert's reports of vehicle damage and preparation of documentation for submitting material damage claims

Institute of Transport and Traffic Engineering

Associate (volunteer)

Total time worked

Oct 2015 - Dec 2016

Work location

Belgrade, R. Serbia

  • Associate at Institute of Transport and Traffic Engineering, department of Road Safety
  • Worked on scientific and research projects, from field work and data gathering for studies to data processing and analysis
  • Participated in 13 projects:
    • Research of traffic safety indicators in the Republic of Serbia for year 2016. (procuring entity: Road Traffic Safety Agency, 2016.)
    • Analysis of road safety of persons with special needs in traffic on the territory of Belgrade with proposed measures (procuring entity: City Administration of Belgrade - Department of Traffic, 2016.)
    • Analysis of road safety of elderly persons in traffic in the city of Belgrade with proposed measures (procuring entity: City Administration of Belgrade - Department of Traffic, 2016.)
    • Drafting of road safety strategy for city of Belgrade with action plans for period 2017-2020. (procuring entity: City Administration of Belgrade - Department of Traffic, 2016.)
    • Organizing of competion for best presentation and short movie on the topic of road safety (procuring entity: Municipality of Zvezdara, 2016.)
    • Interactive lectures for parents "Parent - behavior model for children" and making of brochures "Parent - behavior model for children" (procuring entity: Municipality of Zvezdara, 2016.)
    • Organization of lectures "Preschoolers pedestrians" (procuring entity: Municipality of Zvezdara, 2016.)
    • Services of organization and education of participants in traffic for increased road safety (procuring entity: Municipality of Savski venac, 2016.)
    • Manufacture of guidelines for marking of vehicles during road work on public roads (procuring entity: Public Entity "Public Lighting", 2016.)
    • Research of traffic safety indicators in the Republic of Serbia (procuring entity: Road Traffic Safety Agency, 2015.)
    • Campaign "Smart streets", targeted at population of municipality of Mladenovac - "Smart streets of Mladenovac" (procuring entity: Commision for road safety in the municipality of Mladenovac, 2015.)
    • Study for determining basic road safety indicators in Belgrade with drafting of methodology of recording indicators and pilot research (procuring entity: Road Traffic Safety Agency, 2015.)
    • Research of road safety indicators in Republic of Serbia (procuring entity: Road Traffic Safety Agency, 2014.)
Papers icon


1. Vulnerability analysis of elderly people in Belgrade

Miletić, D., Antić, B., Pešić, D. (2017). 12. International Conference "Road Safety in Local Community", Tara, Republic of Serbia.

2. Analysis of trendline of road safety indicators regarding speed in police district of Belgrade

Pešić, D., Antić, B., Miletić, D. (2016). 13. International Symposium "Road Accidents Prevention", Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia.

3. Training of preschool children, a case study - project „Preschoolers pedestrians“ in city municipality Zvezdara in Belgrade

Ranković, J., Miletić, D., Stamenović, S. (2016). 5. International Conference "Road Safety in Local Community", Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska.

4. Accident prediction models

Miletić, D. (2016). 11. International Conference "Road Safety in Local Community", Vrnjačka Banja, Republic of Serbia.

5.Influence of weather conditions on occurrence of traffic accidents in the municipiality of Belgrade in a longer period of time

Miletić, D., Madžovski, M., Divac, N. (2015). 10. International Conference "Road Safety in Local Community", Kragujevac, Republic of Serbia.

6. Parallel analysis of noise, speed, and traffic flow structure in the area of hospital "Zvezdara" in Belgrade

Miletić, D., Madžovski, M., Divac, N. (2015). 10. International Conference "Road Safety in Local Community", Kragujevac, Republic of Serbia.

7. Influence of weather conditions on occurrence of traffic accidents in the municipiality of Belgrade in a longer period of time

Miletić, D., Madžovski, M., Divac, N. (2014). 3. International Conference "Road Safety in Local Community", Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska.

8. Examination of attitudes of traffic participants after implementation of roundabouts in city of Bor

Miletić, D., Madžovski, M., Divac, N. (2014). 12. International Symposium "Road Accidents Prevention", Bor, Republic of Serbia.

9. Analysis of theoretical training of drivers that have passed driving exam in the period of 2010. to 2013. in the muncipiality of Bor

Miletić, D., Madžovski, M., Divac, N. (2014). 9. International Conference "Road Safety in Local Community", Zaječar, Republic of Serbia.

Other info icon



Full stack

Web design






Driver's licence B category